These pieces are available free of charge. If you would like to make a donation in order to help us to expand our titles, you can either wire money to our bank (IBAN FR76 1820 6001 7365 0152 7344 096) or send a French check made out to Ecclémusica (André Borowy, treasurer, 5 chemin du Petit Razimont, 88000 Epinal).
Yes ! Click on the links below.
Yes, we have grouped our scores according to three main themes: Christmas, Easter and worship. The pieces of worship are also suitable for Christmas or Easter.
Fill out the form by clicking on the button “Borrow a piece of music” above.
It depends on the number of copies that the association has already purchased. If we have 20 available copies, you may print 20 copies for your choir.
You should either mail them back to us or throw them away (in order to avoid the circulation of illegal copies).
We only include in our library the following kinds of scores: pieces in the public domain, pieces that we have purchased (one original copy for each translated copy), or pieces for which we have obtained permission from the composer/arranger.
All pieces in our library have gone through an approval process by a committee. You can email us your pieces at We would be glad to consider adding them to our library.