« Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. » (Colossians 3.16)

Ecclémusica is a non-profit organization that was founded in Paris, France on May 24, 2013. The goal of the Ecclémusica team is to help equip French-speaking local churches in both sacred music and evangelism. This two-part goal is found in Psalm 96, verses 1 and 3: "Sing unto the Lord a new song… Declare His glory among the nations."

We do this by various means, such as music training, theological seminars, concerts, camps, evangelistic recordings of Bible stories, and a music library.

Would you like to know more about our team members ?

Board of Directors
▢ Kristi Colas, president
▢ Mélanie Webster, treasurer
▢ Eve Corda, secretary

Evangelism Committee
▢ André et Marie-France Borowy
▢ Myriam Jaccaz
▢ Véronique Lespect

Worship Committee
▢ Kristi C.
▢ Emmanuel et Eve Corda
▢ Robert Doucette
▢ Anne Hoffmann
▢ Juhyun Lee
▢ Francis Schneider
▢ Estelle Truschel
▢ Véronique Lespect
▢ Mélanie Webster
▢ Charity Shambaugh


Emmanuel CORDA
In addition to his work as a physics and chemistry teacher, he plays the piano, clarinet and harmonica. He has been involved in his church in the suburbs of Paris for many years. He contributes solid biblical teaching in Ecclémusica’s conferences and seminars and serves with his wife Eve.
Wife of Emmanuel, flutist, and faithful secretary for Ecclémusica, Eve serves in her local church in Ris-Orangis and helps with many of the administrative details of the association.
Kristi COLAS
As president of the association since its founding in 2003 and servant of the Lord in France since 2008, Kristi rejoices to see how the Lord has answered her prayers for opportunities to help churches both in France and beyond as a music consultant. She has studied music education and ethnomusicology.
Pastor and singer, Robert has been serving the Lord in France since 2004. He became the pastor of the Bible Baptist Church in Vernon after having completed theological training. He continues to serve there with his wife Emily. Having grown up in the States, he is familiar with the vast repertoire of Christian music in English. He desires to help contribute to the development of good-quality French Christian music.
André and his dear wife Marie-France help promote Ecclémusica’s evangelistic materials and provide wise counsel to the Ecclémusica team thanks to their many years of sharing the Gospel. They serve in their local church in Bruyères as a retired couple.
Marie-France BOROWY
Together with her husband André, she serves faithfully in their local church in Bruyères. Their years of experience with children and with evangelism bring a wise perspective to the Ecclémusica Bible story recording projects.
Anne’s special focus of study and ministry has been corporate singing for God’s glory, especially in regards to children. She plays the piano and the oboe and teaches English in Paris. She and her husband Jean-Marc attend a church in Poissy. Jean-Marc is both her moderator and project facilitator. They have three married children and eight grandchildren.
Myriam serves with the FEU, a Christian university outreach ministry in France. She loves sharing the Gospel. Myriam helps the Ecclémusica team distribute their evangelistic material for children.
Juhyun LEE
After completing studies in music education and violin in South Korea, Joo had the opportunity to study French in Rouen, France in 2010. She returned to France in 2017 and has completed a masters in baroque instrumental music. She teaches violin and plays in different instrumental ensembles. She helps the Ecclémusica team with music training, focusing on instrumentalists.
Married to Martine, Francis is a composer, artist (using the pseudonym “Paco”), and servant in his church, the Eglise Evangélique of Weislingen in Alsace, France. He is convinced that the local church is a blessing and safeguard for the Christian artist. He seeks to continually improve his musical abilities as well as sight-reading through piano lessons.
As a music teacher in the Paris suburbs, Estelle brings to Ecclémusica the finesse of her classical violinist training. She serves the Lord alongside her husband Pierre and their two little boys in their church near Meaux. She often directs the choral and instrumental workshops organized by Ecclémusica.
Véronique LESPECT
After working for 30 years in daycare, Véronique is now retired and serves the Lord with her husband in their church near Toulon. They have three children and six grandchildren. She loves to share the Gospel of Jesus-Christ with boys and girls and serves Ecclémusica on the evangelism committee.
Melanie serves the Lord at the Eglise Biblique Baptiste de Rouen with her husband Michael. After 30 years of ministry in Quebec, God led them to France in 2016. They have four children and ten grandchildren on the other side of the Atlantic. Melanie serves as the treasurer for Ecclémusica.
Involved in church music from a young age and ministering in Europe for over twelve years, Charity desires to use her degrees in music pedagogy to help French-speaking local churches use their music intentionally to worship and evangelize.
Tsiry is a medical doctor who serves as a worship leader in his church in Pessac. He plays the guitar and the piano, and he enjoys composing, arranging, and preparing music scores for publication.